old.wrek.org Decompositions | WREK Atlanta, 91.1 FM - Part 10


Decompositions 12-13-2017 Ne

Stosspeng – Phil Niblock

Decompositions 11-29-2017 Sarai

Veni Sancte Spiritus – Demessieux

Ubi Caritas – Paul Mealor

Symphony No. 1 – Joonas Kokkonen

Three Quarter-Tone Pieces – Charles Ives

Robert Ashley – The Park

Decompositions 11-8-17 Jackson

Wind River Powwow – Moondog

Westward Ho! – Moondog

The Righteous Wrath of an Honorable Man – Colin Stetson

Miniature 9 – Elvusium

Sextet – Melinda Wagner

The Great Learning (Paragraph 1) – Cornelius Cardew and the Scratch Orchestra

Decompositions 10-25-2017 Holb

Nixon In China – John Adams

Clear Skin – Insides

Decompositions 10-11-2017 Sar

Austin Texas Mental Hospital – The Tired Sounds of Stars of the Lid

Totti – Graham Fitkin

The Continuing Story of Counterpoint (Part 1-2) – David Borden