old.wrek.org Help | WREK Atlanta, 91.1 FM


Looking for our 14-day archives? Check out our schedule!

Having some problems with our website? First thing’s first: you should hopefully be using a modern browser. We’ve tested the site with recent versions of several popular browsers and everything should at least be completely usable aside from aesthetic differences. However, Internet Explorer 6 has not been tested, and let’s face it: IE6 was released way back in 2001, so it’s time you upgrade your browser.

Radio Player

If you’re having problems with our online radio player, make sure you have Flash 10 and iframes enabled on your browser. Is the current song not updating? The recent playlist isn’t working either? You most likely have Javascript turned off on your browser. Without it, you can’t see real-time stream information.

128kbps and 24kbps?

If you’ve come across our archives, you’ve probably come across two available versions: 128kbps and 24kbps. The difference is sound quality. 128kbps is significantly better quality than 24kbps, and it’s probably what you most likely want to download. If you have a slow internet connection–dial-up, for example–you should go with 24kbps.

M3U Archives

Our archives are available as .m3u files. M3U is actually a pretty simple format: it’s a text file with references to other music files, thereby creating a playlist. You should be able to open our archives with any major media player (Winamp, Windows Media Player, iTunes). We’re also working on letting our visitors play our schedule archives in Flash. If you come across a broken archive link, please let us know!

If you’ve come across any issues with the site even with an up-to-date browser, please contact the webmaster and we’ll have a look!