old.wrek.org Kosher Noise | WREK Atlanta, 91.1 FM - Part 18

Kosher Noise

Kosher Noise Playlist 10/7/13 with Mikey Pauker

  • Extraordinary Love       Mikey Pauker       Extraordinary Love
  • The Rain     Mikey Pauker     Extraordinary Love
  • Top of the World      Mikey Pauker    Extraordinary Love
  • The Light     Mikey Pauker ft. Y-Love     Extraordinary Love

Kosher Noise Playlist 9/30/13 with Aviva and the Flying Penguins

  • Painted Truth      Aviva and the Flying Penguins     Painted Truth
  • Shema      Saul Kaye      Jewish Blues Volume Three
  • Now Is the Time        Aviva and the Flying Penguins LIVE
  • It’s Just a Bagel         Aviva and the Flying Penguins and her neice!
  • Hemp Revival          Aviva and the Flying Penguins LIVE
  • Change     Aviva and the Flying Penguins      Painted Truth

Thanks for the delicious NY bagel Aviva!


Kosher Noise Playlist 9/23/13

  • Shelter city       Berry Sakharof      L’autre
  • Livin’ in a Booth      The Fountainheads
  • Chag Sukkot     Shoafim and Nachshonim 2009      Camp Ramah Darom Bible Rap
  • Meron Nign/In the Sukke      Itzhak Perlman, Andy Statman Klezmer Orchestra        Klezmer 2 – Live In The Fiddler’s House
  • Top of the World      Mikey Pauker       Extraordinary Love
  • Adon Olam – Cups (When I’m Gone) Pitch Perfect        Listen Up! A Cappella
  • Fred the Tzadik       Abraham Inc.       Tweet-Tweet
  • Batash (Alwoojdi)     The Apples       Kings
  • Day By Day      Electra       Second Hand Love
  • Shirat Hastiker (Sticker Song) – שירת הסטיקר         Hadag Nachash (The Fish Snake) – הדג נחש         Homer Mekomi (Local Stuff) – חומר מקומי

Kosher Noise Playlist 9/16/13 Sukkot Edition with Rabbi Glusman, MJCCA

  • Sukkos Style       Maccabeats
  • Loo Love      Except Saturday – Aish
  • Gimme Shelter Remix      Eprhyme       Shemspeed
  • Sukkah Building
  • Shakin’ the Lulav        Bar-Cohn Production

Kosher Noise Playlist 9/9/13 Yom Kippur Edition with Shifra Sharfstein of Chabad

  • Change       Aviva and the Flying Penguins
  • Book Of Good Life       Maccabeats
  • Yom Kippur Blues          Rocky Mountain Jewgrass       Chutzpah
  • Jewish Alarm Clock (ad lib)        Listen Up! A Cappella, Moishe Rosen        Day Job
  • Get Clarity       Aish
  • Shana Tova (2013 Rosh Hashanah Jam)      Six13
  • Good Life         Diwon ft. Brody, Kyle Rapps, Y-Love & Nathan Sela       New Game
  • Avinu Malkeinu       Barbra Streisand
  • Adon Olam – Cups (When I’m Gone) Pitch Perfect       Listen Up! A Cappella
  • Chagaga!!      Lady Gaga Frum Parody