old.wrek.org Kosher Noise | WREK Atlanta, 91.1 FM - Part 35

Kosher Noise

Kosher Noise Playlist 1/16/12

  • Imri Li Mi (Tell Me Who)    5:05    David Broza    It’s All Or Nothing
  • Hu    4:22    Shotei Hanevu’a And Isabo    Mechapsim et Dorot (Looking for Dorot) – מחפשים את דורות
  • It’s Not the Same (Figure it Out)    4:14    Abraham Inc.    Tweet-Tweet
  • Pluk a Dub – Remix produced by M. Cornelisse    6:55    Amsterdam Klezmer Band    Remixed
  • Ma Im HaKesef    2:56    Axum    Axum
  • L.Y.G.    4:02    Jaffa Road    Sun Place
  • Sunday Arak (Featuring Dana Leong)    5:08    Balkan Beat Box    Balkan Beat Box
  • Lema’ani (For Me) – למעני    11:47    Beit Habubot (Dollhouse) – בית הבובות    Madafim (Shelves) – מדפים
  • Et Dodim    3:31    Deleon    Casata
  • Happe Liftoach (Mouth Open) – הפה לפתוח    5:04    Hadag Nachash (The Fish Snake) – הדג נחש    Homer Mekomi (Local Stuff) – חומר מקומי
  • Beshesh o besheva    2:34    Hashlosharim    Hashlosharim
  • Mimeni Ee Efshar Livroach (From Me, You Can’t Escape)    3:54    Dana Berger    Ad HaKatze (To The Edge)
  • Tariki    3:24    Zafa    Putumayo Presents – Israel

Kosher Noise Playlist 1/23/12

  • Tweet-Tweet    4:25    Abraham Inc.    Tweet-Tweet
  • Sadagora Hot Dub    5:12    Amsterdam Klezmer Band    Remixed
  • Hakshivu Na    2:54    Axum    Axum
  • Ya Man    3:35    Balkan Beat Box    Balkan Beat Box
  • Sigapo – סיגפו    4:31    Beit Habubot (Dollhouse) – בית הבובות    Madafim (Shelves) – מדפים
  • MiBayit [Ayzeh Ganuf!] (Look Ahead [So Cool!]) – [!מביט [איזה גנוב    4:49    Hadag Nachash (The Fish Snake) – הדג נחש    HaMehona Shel HaGruv (The Groove Machine) – המכונה של הגרוב
  • Holech Memakom Lemakom (Going From Place To Place)    3:36    David Broza    It’s All Or Nothing
  • The Morning Meal    4:00    Deleon    Casata
  • Yefeifia (Beautiful Girl) – יפהפיה    4:16    Shotei Ha’nevua (The Fools of Prophecy) – שוטי הנבואה    Mechapsim et Dorot (Looking for Dorot) – מחפשים את דורות
  • Mi mefached mi gvert levin    4:28    Hashlosharim    Hashlosharim
  • Rikud HaM’chona (The Machine Dance)    3:15    Mashina (Machine)    G’virotai v’Rabotai (Ladies and Gentlemen): Mashina
  • Shev (Stay) – שב    3:50    The Idan Raichel Project – הפרוייקט של עידן רייכל    Ben Kirot Beiti (Within My Walls) – בין קירות ביתי
  • Horchat Hai Caliptus    4:45    Ishtar    The Voice Of Alabina

Kosher Noise Playlist 12/26/11 – Channukah Edition

  • Candlelight    3:17    Maccabeats    Candlelight – Single
  • Menorah Glow (Stereo Hearts for Channukah)    2:43    Matt Bar    Bible Raps Nation
  • Darkness into Light    2:54    Matisyahu    Light
  • The Channukah Song    3:48    Adam Sandler
  • Those Were The Nights (of Channukah)    4:42    The Yeshiva Boys Choir
  • Hanukah (Light is in the Air)    3:37    Matt Bar    The Bible Raps Project
  • The Channukah Song Part 2    4:00    Adam Sandler
  • Light Up the Night (Channukah Song)    3:25    The Fountainheads
  • The Rocky Hora Channukah Song    3:50    The Shlomones
  • Channukah Rights!    5:24    Six13
  • The Channukah Song Part 3    3:42    Adam Sandler    Eight Crazy Nights Soundtrack
  • Miracle (Matisyahu Cover of Channukah Song)    3:13    The Maccabeats


Kosher Noise 12/19/11 with Rabbi Shlomo Gelbtuch

Kosher Noise will be airing from 8-9pm for tonight 12/19/11 only due to a basketball game during our normal airing hour.

Tune in from 8-9pm tonight to listen to Kosher Noise.

Kosher Noise Playlist 12/12/11 with comedian David Jaffe

  • Mushrooms    3:13    Noa    Both Sides Of The Sea
  • Ein Ani (No I) – אין אני    4:13    Shotei Ha’nevua (The Fools of Prophecy) – שוטי הנבואה    Shotei Ha’nevua (The Fools of Prophecy) – שוטי הנבואה
  • Tatenyu by 8th Day
  • Jungle – ג’ונגל אייל גולן   by  Hakaleef – הקליפ
  • Pitchu Li    3:59    Chai Fi    The Chai Way
  • It’s Shabbas Now by 8th Day
  • Bar’chu by Salomone Rossi
  • Hanukah (Light is in the Air)    3:37    Matt Bar    The Bible Raps Project