old.wrek.org Slow Riot | WREK Atlanta, 91.1 FM - Part 24

Slow Riot

slow riot 7/10/2017 — the circle of light arcs down

long fin killie – how i blew it with houdini
bark psychosis – a street scene
twenty six – wheels within wheels
hood – branches bare
gastr del sol – blues subtitled no sense of wonder
the jimmy cake – quartz cat waltz
brian eno & robert fripp – the heavenly music corporation
dilute – sold
pretend – patternless tide
duck. little brother, duck – he’s an anteater
duck. little brother, duck – he’s a deep sea fish
ef – hello scotland
pg.lost – i am a destroyer

slow riot 6/26/2017 : open the door please

detwijie – pop
lymbyc system – carved by glaciers
let airplanes circle overhead- fury against the formless
the timeout drawer – bursting with tears, i commit to destroying you
nuito – tongpoo
it may never end – to fall without landing
elephant gym – finger
elephant gym – games
tfvsjs – 七夕缺
floral – balancing act
cinemechanica – hang up the spurs
maserati – towers were wires

slow riot 6/12/2017 – i don’t know anything about that but you might

pretend- longer repose
sgt- 銀河を壊して発電所を創れ
yowie- ineffable dolphin communion
the bulletproof tiger- franko spanko’s greatest hit
vasudeva- slow boy
no respect for beauty- owls on the ground
form and fate- emoticons and decepticons
lost in kiev- hope fights disillusions
the six parts seven- cold things never catch fire
the mercury program- fastest way through the south
this will destroy you- the mighty rio grande
we.own.the.sky- raindrops and oceans
go! save the hostages!- salma

slow riot 6/5/2017: oh dear odd ear

Turing Machine- Bleach it Black –
Turing Machine – Synchrocity III
Floral – Floral (Full EP)
El Ten Eleven – COnnie
GIRRAFES? GIRRAFES! – More Skin with Milk-Mouth (Full Album)
Indian Summer – Angry Son
El Ten Eleven – Sorry About your Irony
Gaston – Zapalki
Maserati – Abracadabracab
Maserati – Inventions

slow riot 5/30/2017 – you should probably stay

slow riot, may twenty-ninth, two-thousand and seventeen

daturah -hybrisma
ef – hello scotland
september malevolence – on our own
the pirate ship quintet – you’re next
you.may.die.in.the.desert – can i get more steel in my moniters?
saxon shore – isolated by the secrets of your fellow men
saxon shore – how we conquered the western world on horseback
parachute day – you are the daydream
polvo – fast canoe
retrograde motion – peace on the western front
years of rice and salt – carnival
bundy k. brown, doug scharin, james warden – (untitled) 4
chancellors – tempus fugit
explosions in the sky – a poor man’s memory
gwei-lo – cellosong