old.wrek.org Somnia | WREK Atlanta, 91.1 FM - Part 2


Somnia 0410919

Image result for bod [包家巷]
Pictured: bod [包家巷]

Raime – See Through Me, I Dare You
Oneohtrix Point Never – Pelham Island Road
Jar Moff – B. Aldrian

bod [包家巷] – The Recurrence of Infections [复发感染]

Somnia 0401219

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Gavin Bryars, Alter Ego, & Philip Jeck – The Sinking of the Titanic

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Pictured: Vanessa Amra

Arp – Raga for Moog & Violin (ft. Hiro Kone)
Chris Reimer – Mustard Gas
Chris Reimer – Arpeg
Black to Comm – Forst
The Ghostwriters – Land of Pandas
Kuniyuki Takahashi – Sakura No Mizu
Sean McCann – Charade
Vanessa Amara – Of Hoping

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Related imagePictured: Pacific Rat Temple Band

The Caretaker – It’s Just a Burning Memory
Pacific Rat Temple Band – His Miracle Seminar
Oneohtrix Point Never – Ruined Lives
Simo Lazarov – The City

Les Halles – Transient

Somnia 030519

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Kyle Bobby Dunn – Boring Foothills of Foot Fetishville
Aphex Twin – #3
You’ll Never Get to Heaven – Rain Copy

Pauline Anna Strom – Trans Millenia Consort