old.wrek.org Noot 100 and the Apollo Exhibit | WREK Atlanta, 91.1 FM

Noot 100 and the Apollo Exhibit

This weekend, 10/14 to be exact, mark’s Noot d’ Noot‘s 100th performance and will take place during the Star Bar‘s 20th birthday celebration (going on through October). It will be a momentous Occasion come Friday night.

Judi Chicago and The Back Pockets will open, probably starting around 10pm and you know it’s going late. Check out the Noot bandcamp to peep some of their studio work and stay tuned for some guest dj sets from Noots’ Bimbi, Dookie and Dream Sanitation on the Electric Boogaloo in the future, as well.

Also of note, the Atlanta History Center will feature the traveling exhibit which is celebrating the history of the 125th St. Apollo Theater. Ain’t Nothing Like the Real Thing: How the Apollo Theater Shaped American Entertainment opened last weekend and will run through March 4, 2012. It’ll follow the theater from its burlesque beginnings and through its two shutterings and revivals featuring artifacts such as the gem below which could only belong to a true Sex Machine.

Of course this is James Brown's

Of course, this is James Brown’s