old.wrek.org Mode 7 for 12/11 | WREK Atlanta, 91.1 FM

Mode 7 for 12/11

Tonight just got kinda epic as the show went on… awesome…

Segment 1:

System Shock 2 – Med Sci 1
Unreal – Dirt
Unreal – On The Run (remix by Elisha)
Portal – Still Alive [requested]

Segment 2:

Mass Effect 2 – Tali’s Loyalty Quest
Battlestar Galactica – Prelude to War

Segment 3:

StarFox – Godspeed (remix by The Wingless)
Ikaruga – The Stone-Like
Unreal 2 – Angels

Segment 4:

Super Smash Bros Brawl – Boss Battle 2
Half Life 2 – Song 25 Remix
Crysis – Pyrrhic Victory