old.wrek.org The Drift is Back and Sailing Better than Ever! | WREK Atlanta, 91.1 FM

The Drift is Back and Sailing Better than Ever!

World travelers and WREKsters alike,

After a long and unexplained hiatus, Continental Drift has once again reclaimed its rightful spot on the airwaves, left on the dial at 91.1 FM every Monday night from 10 PM to midnight Eastern Time! Former host DJ Felipe is back at the helm, and we’re continuing what we started a long time ago: bringing you the best of what each country has to offer musically, as well as the Fun Fact of Every Fifteen Minutes (or so), and possibly the occasional interview with musicians and/or citizens of the theme country, and students with vast amounts of world knowledge!

Tune in prepared to learn, sing, dance, laugh (maybe), and enjoy, because we’re not going anywhere!

I can’t think of a better thing to do on a Monday night, can you?

DJ Felipe
Host of Continental Drift