old.wrek.org Kosher Noise Playlist 9/10/12 Rosh Hashanah Edition with Shifra Sharfstein of Chabad of Downtown Univ | WREK Atlanta, 91.1 FM

Kosher Noise Playlist 9/10/12 Rosh Hashanah Edition with Shifra Sharfstein of Chabad of Downtown Univ

  • What Makes Rosh Hashanah Beautiful       Aish
  • Soul Bigger       National Jewish Outreach Program
  • I Gotta’ Love You Rosh Hashanah        Taglit
  • Book Of Good Life      Maccabeats
  • Yom Kippur Blues        Rocky Mountain Jewgrass       Chutzpah
  • Rosh Hashanah Rock Anthem        Aish
  • Dip Your Apple        The Fountainheads
  • Shofar Callin: The Rosh Hashanah Song        Prodezra Beats
  • Call Me Maybe – Chana Tova