old.wrek.org Kosher Noise Playlist 10/1/12 Sukkot Edition | WREK Atlanta, 91.1 FM

Kosher Noise Playlist 10/1/12 Sukkot Edition

  • Chag Sukkot       Shoafim and Nachshonim 2009       Camp Ramah Darom Bible Rap
  • Gimme Shelter Remix (Sukkot Song)       Eprhyme        Shemspeed
  • Shakin’ the Lulav (Sukkot Song)        Bar-Cohn Production
  • Livin’ in a Booth (Sukkot)        The Fountainheads
  • Jonah – Mr. Got a Pair of Eyes        Matt Bar        Bible Raps Nation
  • Chicken Dance – אן דן דינן        Rikud – ריקוד        Camp Ramah Darom Rikud
  • Down and Up        Nosson Zand        Believers Master 1
  • Tirtza Atar (Daily Love) – אהבה יומיומית        Yehudit Ravitz – יהודית רביץ
  • תתארו לכם – Teta’aru Lachem       שלמה ארצי- Shlomo Artzi
  • אחרת אתה מת  Acheret Atah Met          שלמה ארצי- Shlomo Artzi
  • Hakshivu Na        Axum        Axum
  • Pachima (UBK Remix)        Balkan Beat Box        Nu Made (Remixes)