old.wrek.org Mode 7 Playlist for 10/21/2012 | WREK Atlanta, 91.1 FM

Mode 7 Playlist for 10/21/2012

Segment 1

Mass Effect 3 – The View of Palaven
Chains – Efface
SSBB – Norfair
Ikaruga – Chapter 3

Segment 2

Unreal – Bluff Eversmoking
StarFox – Asteroids
StarCraft – Terran 3

Segment 3 (Brett)

Pineapple Smash Crew – Fire in your Hole
Jack and Daxter – Final Battle
Paper Mario 2 – Rawk Hawk
Mega Man 10 – Farewell to Ballade

Segment 4 (Brett)

Sly Cooper 1 – Day at the Races
Pokemon HeartGold – Champion Battle
Sonic Adventure 2 – E.G.G.M.A.N.