old.wrek.org Mode 7 Playlist for 12/9/2012 | WREK Atlanta, 91.1 FM

Mode 7 Playlist for 12/9/2012

Segment 1

Unreal Tournament – Go Down
Donkey Kong – The Final Showdown
Portal 2 – Bombs for Throwing At You

Segment 2

StarFox – Boss Music 1
Super Smash Bros Brawl – Final Destination
Super Mario Galaxy – Kamella Battle
F-Zero – Fire Field

Segment 3

Street Fighter – Guile’s Mile Long Dong (remix by Trenthian)
Pokemon – Missingno Tracks – Super Effective (remix by Fishy, Andy Jayne)
Contra 4 – Tunnel Boss
World of Warcraft – The Shaping of the World

Segment 4

Breath of Death VII – The Beginning – Boss Battle
Donkey Kong Country – Bad Boss Boogie
LoZ: Ocarina of Time – Ganondorf Battle
Unreal Tournament – Colossus