old.wrek.org Continental Drfit 3-11-2013 | WREK Atlanta, 91.1 FM

Continental Drfit 3-11-2013

Today’s Country: Tibet

  • National Anthem
  • Yadon
  • Kunga Khawa
  • “I am a girl from snowland”- Yangchen Tsedol
  • Love of Parents- Tashi
  • Aku Pema- Rigzin Dolma
  • Payul Serta- Kunga
  • Ngay Phayul- Sonam Choedon
  • Jigme- Sherten
  • Bigreko Manchhe- Dambar
  • Sonam Tashi Gurung- Bisana Sakina
  • Ache Lak- Asukun
  • Fatherland- Dolma Kayb


  • Glorification of the Past Buddha- Lamas and Monks of the four Great Orders
  • Short Mahakala- The Monks of Rumtek Monastery
  • The instruments of the Monastery Orchestra- V/A
  • Ritual for spiritual adepts- V/A
  • Gyaling- The Monks of Rumtek Monastery
  • Tibetan Bells with Isochronic Tones
  • Tibetan Singing Bowl Meditation