old.wrek.org 50 Lbs of Rice 9/9/2013 | WREK Atlanta, 91.1 FM

50 Lbs of Rice 9/9/2013

Here is the set list for the show tonight:

1. Don’t Talk(不要说话) by Eason Chan(陈奕迅) off <Don’t Want to Let Go>(不想放手)

2. Rain by Ryuichi Sakomoto

3. Suddenly(忽然之间) by Karen Mok(莫文蔚) off It’s <Karen Mok>(就是莫文蔚)

4. The Last Emperor by Ryuichi Sakomoto

5. What Would it be Like(怎样) by Peini Dai(戴佩妮) off What Would it be Like(怎样)

6. Wind Rain and Water by Ryuichi Sakomoto

7. Bamboo Houses by Ryuichi Sakomoto

8. (风吹麦浪) by Jian Li(李健) off <Missing You>想念你

9. Blinded by Light by Unknown

10. (牡丹江) by Naquanmama(南拳妈妈) off <Meal 2>2号餐

11. 明明很爱你 by 品冠/梁静茹 off 后来的我

12. The Moon over Wall Gate by the Beijing Symphony

13. Heartbeat(心跳) by Leehom Wang(王力宏) off <Heartbeat>心跳

14. Dance of the Golden Snake by Shanghai Film and Harmonic Orchestra