old.wrek.org Goldsoundz – January 7, 2014 – The Great Flood Edition | WREK Atlanta, 91.1 FM

Goldsoundz – January 7, 2014 – The Great Flood Edition

That time that the Student Center flooded due to a frozen pipe burst and Cameron courageously broadcast the show by himself.

St. Vincent – “Send My Love”
Andrew Bird – “Three White Horses”

Sebadoh – “Truly Great Thing”
All Dogs – “Farm”

The Hunt – “Fifteen Minutes”
Making Marks – “Barcodes” (Soup Mix)

Sky Larkin – “Carve It Out”
Aye Nako – “Molasses”
Shellshag – “Resilient Bastard”

Youth Lagoon – “Posters”
Bill Baldwin – “Weekend”

Listen to the archive HERE!