old.wrek.org Kosher Noise Playlist 3/17/14 with Bram Bessoff (AJMF) | WREK Atlanta, 91.1 FM

Kosher Noise Playlist 3/17/14 with Bram Bessoff (AJMF)

For more information and to purchase tickets for the Atlanta Jewish Music Festival (AJMF), go to www.atlantajmf.org

To enter to win the AJMF poster, go to atlantajmf.tumblr.com

  • Ohm      Yo La Tengo     Fade
  • Sugarcube     Yo La Tengo      I Can Hear the Heart Beating as One
  • Hassidic Kaddish     The Afro-Semitic Experience     Further Definitions of the Days of Awe
  • Positive Change     Josh Nelson Project      Lift
  • OMG (Mah Tovu)       Miss Emily       Every Day!
  • Lecha Dodi      Pharaoh’s Daughter     Out of the Reeds
  • Top of the World      Mikey Pauker       Extraordinary Love