old.wrek.org Mode7 Dual Show! | WREK Atlanta, 91.1 FM

Mode7 Dual Show!

First a little disclaimer, the way we did this show was to draw prompts from a “hat” and have to think of a fitting song lickity-split. Just so you guys know what the format is doing down below. (Might be out of order, sorry, it was hectic)

A song to drive to
Sonic Adventure 2 – City Escape
Song that makes you think of 50,000 monkeys on typewriters
We Heart Katamari – Discoxprince
A song your parents might recognize
Double Dragon Neon – City Streets 1
Song that Defines Academics at Tech
World of Goo – Screamer
Song that would fit in a horror film
Dust: An Elysian Tale – The Glade
Song you think best fits into a Disney movie
MLP: Fighting is Magic – Rainbowdash Theme
A song to play on the beach
Wind Waker – Outset Island
Greatest song in a game you never finished
Metal Gear Solid 4 – Oishii Two-Han Seikatsu
You’re feeling down but already out of health potions
Assassin’s Creed 3 – Fight Club
Your theme song (Agro)
Fallot 3 – I Don’t Want to set the World on Fire
Song of the most frustrating gaming moment of your childhood
Jak 2 – Onin’s Game
The least memorable song you can think of
Jak 3 – Haven City Battle
A Song to Fall Asleep to
World of Warcraft: WOTLK – Garden of Life