old.wrek.org Mode7 (7-30-14) | WREK Atlanta, 91.1 FM

Mode7 (7-30-14)

Wander and Agro’s Last Joint Show of the Summer

I’m stealing Collin’s header setup!

We’re Legally Required to say You’re Beautiful

Sword & Sworcery  – The Maelstrom
Golden Sun – Final Confrontation
LOZ Twilight Princess – Temple of Time
Legend of Grimrock – Main Theme

Sorry Collin, Come Back to Us

Castle Crashers – Ninja Pirate Theme
Transistor – Gold Leaf
Tearaway – The Orchards
Pupeteer – Fire the long toms
Okami – Reset

Wander’s Ponderings

Sonic Adventure 2 – Live and Learn
Bastion – Build that Wall (Zia’s Theme)
Fallout New Vegas – Begin Again
MGS3 – Snake Eater

Making Our Last Quarter Count

Mega Man 9 – Tornado Man
Trine 2 – The Giant Dragon
Tokyo Jungle – Survival mode a5
Pokemon X&Y – Victory! Wild pokemon
Fez – Compass (Request)
Child of Light – Hymn of Light (Request)