old.wrek.org Kosher Noise Playlist 8/4/14 Tisha B'Av Edition | WREK Atlanta, 91.1 FM

Kosher Noise Playlist 8/4/14 Tisha B’Av Edition

  • Milim Yafot Me’ele (Words More Beautiful Than These) – מילים יפות מאלה        The Idan Raichel Project – הפרוייקט של עידן רייכל        Mima’amakim (Out of the Depths) – ממעמקים
  • Brave         The Maccabeats
  • Extraordinary Love         Mikey Pauker         Extraordinary Love
  • Bosvermisim     Dunyaya Nilufer
  • Baleboste : A Beautiful Picture        Abraham Inc.      Tweet-Tweet
  • One More Step        Adi Abraham, Uneek & Vulkan      Jenerous Skillz
  • Pitum Banu      Axum       Axum
  • Shemesh (Sun) – שמש        Beit Habubot (Dollhouse) – בית הבובות       Madafim (Shelves) – מדפים
  • Yehi Shalom      Blue Fringe      The Whole World Lit Up
  • Taazru Chayalim (Soldiers)       Brody      Urban Anxiety