old.wrek.org Mode7 9/21/14 | WREK Atlanta, 91.1 FM

Mode7 9/21/14

Just Dancing by Myself Show

I wish I was as excited about anything as much as Octodad is excited about everything. 


Smooth McGroove – Legend of Zelda : Wind Waker – Dragon Roost Island
Smooth McGroove – Pokemon RBY – Pallet Town

Cloud – Intrusion
Octodad : Dadliest Catch – Nobody Suspects a Thing
Pixeljunk Shooter – Come on Down
The Lego Movie Videogame – Everything is Awesome
Battlefield 3 – Thunder Run

Avicii Remix – Super Mario World Levels (request)
Borderlands – Ain’t no Rest for the Wicked
Castlevania 3 : Dracula’s Curse – Clockwork
Sonic Adventure – Mechanical Resonance
Transistor – Coasting

Pupeteer – Across the Plains
Battleblock Theater – Buckle your Pants
Ducktales remastered – Moon Theme
Tearaway – Pig Riding