old.wrek.org Kosher Noise Playlist – 5/18 – Ladino Noche | WREK Atlanta, 91.1 FM

Kosher Noise Playlist – 5/18 – Ladino Noche

Name Artist Album
Los Biblicos (The Nightingales) Consuelo Luz Buddha Bar II
La Hora Congregation Bet Havarim Wheels Within Wheels
To Giasemi (The Jasmine) Savina Yannatou Songs of the Mediterranean
La Serena (The Siren) Guy Mendilow Tales from the Forgotten Kingdom: Ladino Songs Renewed
Yome, Yome Judith R. Cohen Sefarad en Diaspora
A La Uno Ya Naci DeLeon DeLeon
Kindl Curdin Nicolay Unknown
Le Marriage Golem Fresh Off the Boat
Sen Esch Tgesa Pascal Gamboni Tiara
Uno Ora en la Ventana Jaffa Road Sun Place
Shecharhoret Mor Karbasi The Beauty and the Sea
Hanuka Judy Frankel Scaleria de Oro (Stairway of Gold)
La Rosa Enflorece Francoise Atlan Sephardic Songs 2
Adiyo Kerida (Goodbye Beloved) Flory Jagoda Arvoliko
Nëi Ganes ft. Carolina Kostner Caprize