old.wrek.org Psych-Out! Playlist for September 23, 2015 | WREK Atlanta, 91.1 FM

Psych-Out! Playlist for September 23, 2015

  1. Marconi Notaro – Ah Vida Avida (No Sub Reino Dos Metazoários)
  2. Herbcraft – Bread Don’t Rise (Wot Oz)
  3. The Heads – Long Gone (Everybody Knows We Got Nowhere)
  4. Mammatus – The Outer Rim/Dragon of the Deep Part One (Mammatus)
  5. Mountains – Circular C (Centralia)
  6. The Tower Recordings – Giggy Garbage Gods (777) (The Galaxies’ Incredibly Sensual Transmission Field of the Tower Recordings)

Playlist for September 16, 2015

  1. Sarry – Shiva (live split w/Downing)
  2. Magdalena Solis – Proserpina’s Gardens (Hesperia)
  3. Ratmass – Phobos/Demons (EP 1)
  4. Om – Sinai (Advaitic Songs)
  5. Bardo Pond – Sleeping (Bardo Pond)
  6. Ozric Tentacles – Oh-Ha-Be (Live Underslunky)

Psych-Out! September 16 was hosted by Bennett. Psych-Out! September 23 was hosted by Curtis.