old.wrek.org Sunday Special – 09/13/15 | WREK Atlanta, 91.1 FM

Sunday Special – 09/13/15

Lights, Camera, Music!

This Sunday was the pilot of a proposed show on movie soundtracks, with this week featuring music from sci fi movies in honor of DragonCon last week!


“Main Theme” – Back to the Future (1985)
“Transformation” – Metropolis (1927)
“Prelude: Radar” – The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951)
“Opening theme” – ”2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
“Hypersleep” – Alien (1979)
“The Clash of Lightsabers” – Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back (Episode V) (1980)
“Cantina Band” – Star Wars: A New Hope (Episode IV) (1977)

“Wait For Me” – ”Blade Runner (1982)
“Main Title” – Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (1982)
“Main Title” – Dune (1984)
“Robocop Theme” – Robocop (1987)
“Sarah on the Run” – Terminator 2: Judgement Day (1991)
“One More Kiss, Dear” – Blade Runner (1982)

“Jurassic Park Theme” – Jurassic Park (1993)
“Protect Life” – The Fifth Element (1997)
“Tango Urilla” – Starship Troopers (1997)
“Ellie’s Bogey” – Contact (1997)
“Into the Forest” – The Iron Giant (1999)
“Main Theme” – Serenity (2005)

“The Glory Days” – The Incredibles (2004)
“Mercury” – Sunshine (2007)
“Welcome to Lunar Industries” – Moon (2009)
“Exosuit” – District 9 (2009)
“One Simple Idea” – Inception (2010)
“Non, Je ne regrette rien” – Inception (2010)

“Solar Sailer” – Tron Legacy (2010)
“Gipsy Danger” – Pacific Rim (2013)
“Ode to Harrison” – Star Trek: Into Darkness (2013)
“Coward” – Interstellar (2014)
“Storm is Coming” – Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)
“Come and Get Your Love” – Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)