old.wrek.org Slow Riot 12/07: hunger, hunger, hunger | WREK Atlanta, 91.1 FM

Slow Riot 12/07: hunger, hunger, hunger

capillaries — into the history of light
— the history of light
— metals of callisto
— summit
— lumen
— extraction point
we lost the sea — challenger part 1 – flight
we lost the sea — challenger part 2 – a swan song
the evpatoria report — naptalan
souvenir’s young america — mars ascendent
red sparowes — alone and unaware, the landscape was transformed in front of our eyes
fly pan am — nice est en feu!
ghosts and vodka — its all about right then
giraffes giraffes! — i am sh(im)e[r] as you am sh(im)e[r] as you are me and we am i and i are all…
set fire to flames — omaha