old.wrek.org Slow Riot 01/11: a slow turning, a new dawn, a new year | WREK Atlanta, 91.1 FM

Slow Riot 01/11: a slow turning, a new dawn, a new year

artist — track
hangedup — losing your charm
blades — terrodactyl
toundra — oro rojo
pelican — strung up from the sky
oliviero — so
a silver mt. zion — blown-out joy from heaven’s mercied hole
architecture aviva — bijou fable
this will destroy you — they move on tracks of never-ending light

combatdave — cold static
infinity shred — mapper
long distance calling — nh 0713
caspian — darkfield
exxasens — satellites
goodnight, sleep well — we’re phantoms in fifteen
jakob — malachite
nabowa — yuragu sakana