old.wrek.org Mode 7 – 07/10/16 | WREK Atlanta, 91.1 FM

Mode 7 – 07/10/16

The Summer 8 Show (The Brett Show)

I got lazy playing Pokemon Go this week, so Brett handled this week’s show! Good jorb, Brett! :’)

The Playlist

Rayman Legends – Mariachi Madness
Super Smash Bros. for 3DS- Gerudo Valley
Megaman 2 – Dr. Wiley’s Castle (Bossfight)
Kid Icarus: Uprising – Dark Pit’s Theme
Hearthstone – On a Roll

Hyrule Warriors – Skyloft
Xenoblade Chronicles – Mechanical Rhythm
F-Zero – Mute City
Fatal Fury: Wild Ambition – 11th Street
Blue Dragon – Eternity

Pokemon Emerald – Route 110
Transistor – Forecast
Final Fantasy X – Besaid Island
Super Mario Sunshine – Delfino Plaza
World of Warcraft – Anduin Music
Crash Twinsanity – Evil Twins
Xenoblade Chronicles X – Uncontrollable