old.wrek.org Mode 7 – 08/07/16 | WREK Atlanta, 91.1 FM

Mode 7 – 08/07/16

The Summer 12 Show

I think school starts next week?

The Playlist!

Shogo – Kumoblade
MDK – Gunter Planet
Neverhood – Klaymen’s Theme
Punch-Out!!! – Glass Joe

VVVVVV – Potential For Anything
VVVVVV – Pressure Cooker
Super Hexagon – Hexagonoest
Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg – A Jack-In-The-Box
Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg – Bossa Nova of Briny Air

Hotline Miami – NARC
Mega Man 2 – Intro
Earthbound – Snowman
Earthbound – Your Name, Please

Another Metroid 2 Remake – Hydro Station
Treasure Master – World 2
Gravity Rush – Pleasure Quarter