old.wrek.org Full Album Appreciation 12/1 | WREK Atlanta, 91.1 FM

Full Album Appreciation 12/1

This Morning’s Album:

Spooky by Lush

Image result for Lush spooky

I started with a few songs from their album Gala which is my favorite album by them but it’s also a compilation put together by their record company of all of their singles so my integrity wouldn’t let me choose that one for tonight’s show.

Gala was used as their introduction to the US and Japan (they’re originally from England) and they put out Spooky two years after that.

They formed in the ’87, A female singer, two female guitarist/singers, a drummer and a bassist. The singer joined a different band, they became four and got famous as that group. Early on they were pretty punk but then they sort of transformed to pop via shoegaze. This album is more pop, most of their earlier stuff is in the form of singles and EP’s. They also put out one half hour long album before this one. (real talk, go listen to their early work I am very partial to it)

They broke up in 1996 because the drummer hung himself. I know. I found out last week and I can’t get over it that’s so messed up.

Until next week.