old.wrek.org Full Album Appreciation 12/8 | WREK Atlanta, 91.1 FM

Full Album Appreciation 12/8

This Morning’s Album:

The Scientist – The Scientist Rids the World of the Curse of the Evil Intergalactic Vampires!

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This week I thought it might be nice to tone it down with some dub so we could all have one last chill before finals kick in.

Also I thought this album would be extra good cause this show is at 3 am and the album sounds like space. Space sounds are very good for the early morning in my opinion.

Oh also before this album I played the song Seconds Away by Scientist cause I think that song’s great (also because it starts with the words “Scientist in Dubwise!”)

So here we are, way too early for any sane person to be awake listening to one of the most prominent sound engineers in the Reggae/dub scene. This guy’s done loads of stuff. LOADS. Started off fixing small stuff in King Tubby’s studio before he finally talked his way into working there as a sound engineer before he moved to studio one working with the Roots Radics before he moved to Washington D.C. in the 80’s to do god knows what (make more sick albums for one).

So he engineered and produced loads of records for people but also he put out so many albums on his own it’s almost obscene. Some of my favorites (like this one) depict him doing crazy stuff like fighting off space invaders, killing evil vampires, or my personal favorite, shooting dubstep into outer space.

Image result for the scientist encounters pac manImage result for the scientist rids the world of the evil intergalactic vampiresImage result for scientist heavyweight dub championImage result for the scientist rids the world of the evil intergalactic vampiresRelated image
Image result for the scientist shoots dubstep into outer space











Until Next week!