old.wrek.org Girl Rock – August 13th, 2019 | WREK Atlanta, 91.1 FM

Girl Rock – August 13th, 2019

“I Wanna Keep Yr Dog” – illuminati hotties
“That Kind of Girl” – All Dogs
“Not Losing Sleep” – Thin Lips
“The Girls” – Magdalena Bay

“Man on the Moon” – Zella Day
“Be Real” – Phoebe Ryan
“Godless” – BANKS
“Falling” – LÉON

“Mr. Watson” – Cruel Youth
“Worst of You” – Maisie Peters
“Elvis is in the Freezer” – Ratboys
“Scott Get The Van, I’m Moving” –  Cayetana

“Jet Fuel Can’t Melt Steel Beams” – Camp Cope
“Incoherent Love Songs” – P.S. Eliot
“Sad Girls Club” – Katie Ellen
“Siri, Open Tinder” – Women’s Rights

“90210” – The Courtneys