old.wrek.org Playlist for Lost in the Stacks from Friday, November 22nd ("Delete Yourself") Episode 447 | WREK Atlanta, 91.1 FM

Playlist for Lost in the Stacks from Friday, November 22nd (“Delete Yourself”) Episode 447

“Patient Zero” by Aimee Mann


Interview with Liz Holdsworth, Georgia Tech Librarian


File this set under HM742 .P3723

“Becoming Shadows” by Stef Chura

“Tail Dragger” by Link Wray


Continued interview with Liz Holdsworth


File this set under BF1389 .D57 W45

“Self Made Man” by David Byrne

“Exit Stage Right” by Ronnie Burns


Continued interview with Liz Holdsworth


File this set under BX2845 .F73

“Is This What You Wanted” by Leonard Cohen

“(I’m) Stranded” by the Saints

“Wild Desire” by the Celibate Rifles

Stay tuned for the next Lost in the Stacks, “How to Write a Book Chapter,” on November 29th!