old.wrek.org Playlist for Lost in the Stacks from Friday, February 28th ("Open as a Process") Episode 460 | WREK Atlanta, 91.1 FM

Playlist for Lost in the Stacks from Friday, February 28th (“Open as a Process”) Episode 460

Hear the show at http://traffic.libsyn.com/lostinthestacks/LITS_Episode_460.mp3

“Priority Change” by Oso Oso

Interview with Simon Bowie, Kevin Sanders, and Emily Nunn

File this set under HB95 .C344
“Competing With the Till” by the Evens
“Facility of Parasitism” by Guttersnipe

Continued interview with Simon Bowie, Kevin Sanders, and Emily Nunn

File this set under LB2336 .S66
“In a Rut” by the Ruts
“If the Kids are United” by Sham 69

Continued interview with Simon Bowie, Kevin Sanders, and Emily Nunn

File this set under JK1881 .N357
“Which Side Are You On?” by Code Moral

“Just Another Beautiful Story” by Regurgitator

Stay tuned for the next Lost in the Stacks, an encore of “Open Access and Its Enemies” on March 6th!