old.wrek.org grrlrock! punktober final installment 10/26/21 | WREK Atlanta, 91.1 FM

grrlrock! punktober final installment 10/26/21

This week marks the end of grrl rock! (at least for now). We hope you enjoyed punktober! Tune in next week for some spooky Halloween tunes. Playlist here

punktober part 4 graphic

Think of You // Bleached
Pool Dizzy // Dummy
Horrorscope // Mommy Long Legs
Without a Fight // Lady Pills

Sophisticated Girl // The Pezheads
Honey and Sandwich // Mummy and the Peepshow
Upchuck // Upchuck
Leda // Makthaverskan

Psychocastle // Taraka
Semiserious // Mocket
Supermodel – Superficial // Voodoo Queens
Status // Softball

Generation Sick // Girl Friday
Sharp Tongues // Dead Pony
Second Skin // The Gits
P.U.N.K Girl // Heavenly

Just Like Henry // Dressy Bessy
Hello Kitty Knife // Peach Kelli Pop
Girls Like Us // The Julie Ruin
True Killer // Sneaks