old.wrek.org Playlist for Lost in the Stacks from Friday, Dec 10, 2021 ("50 Years of Science Fiction") Episode 508 | WREK Atlanta, 91.1 FM

Playlist for Lost in the Stacks from Friday, Dec 10, 2021 (“50 Years of Science Fiction”) Episode 508

Hear the show at http://traffic.libsyn.com/lostinthestacks/LITS_Episode_508.mp3

“From the Future” by the Blow

Interview with Dr. Lisa Yaszek, School of Literature, Media, and Communication at Georgia Tech

File this set under PN3433.6 .S378
“Spaceship Races” by Carole King
“World of Tomorrow” by Screaming Bamboo
“Please Don’t Switch Off the Moon Mr Spaceman” by Sandy Edmonds

Interview with Grace Agnew, Rutgers University Libraries

File this set under PZ4 .C9178
“Tiny Space Man” by Bill Carlisle
“I Took a Trip on a Gemini Spaceship” by the Legendary Stardust Cowboy
“Living in the Future in a Plastic Dome” by Country Joe MacDonald
“In the Year 2000” by Lucia Pamela

Interview with Catherine Manci, Georgia Tech Library

File this set under PZ4 .A13
“Robot Monster” by the 3-D Invisibles
“Manta Ray” by the Pixies

“Here it is Tomorrow” by Game Theory

Stay tuned for the next Lost in the Stacks, “Trust But Verify,” on Dec 17th!