old.wrek.org Sunday Special – You Gui 有鬼 | WREK Atlanta, 91.1 FM

Sunday Special – You Gui 有鬼

1. Norwegian Forest – Wu Bai and China Blue
   ≪挪威的森林≫ 伍佰&China Blue
2. If I die one day, will you still hate me? – The Fallacy
   ≪有一天我死了,你还会很我么?≫ 疯医乐队
3. Inner Belt Line – ROMO
   ≪環形內線/环形内线≫ 如夢/如夢
4. Nothing To My Name – Cui Jian
5. From Birth to the Present – Hiperson
   ≪成長小說/成长小说≫ 海朋森
6. Love Our Differences – Sorry Youth
   ≪你愛咱的無仝款/你爱咱的无同款≫拍謝少年/ 拍谢少年
7. You and Me – P.K. 14
   ≪你和我≫P.K. 14
8. Distorted Hangover- Asagawa Pharmacy
  ≪失真的宿醉≫ 淺川藥店/淺川藥店
9. Panties Color – Jen Jen
   ≪内裤的颜色≫Jen Jen/余佩真

Translations found here