old.wrek.org Playlist for Lost in the Stacks, July 8, 2022 ("A Material Method for Mental Health"), episode 523 | WREK Atlanta, 91.1 FM

Playlist for Lost in the Stacks, July 8, 2022 (“A Material Method for Mental Health”), episode 523

Hear the show at http://traffic.libsyn.com/lostinthestacks/LITS_Episode_523.mp3

“My Mind” by The Arcs

Interview with Mitsuko Ito of the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Georgia Tech

File this set under RC435 .A54
“Electricity” by Captain Beefheart and his Magic Band
“Tap Tap Tap” by Patatrax

Continued interview with Mitsuko Ito

File this set under PN56.P914
“Can’t Find My Mind” by the Cramps
“Health Angel” by P-Model

Continued interview with Mitsuko Ito

File this set under RC74 .N6
“Too Much Pressure” by the Selecter
“Cool Cool Cool” by the Clare Sisters

“I’d Like to Walk Around in Your Mind” by Vashti Bunyan

Tune in next week for the next episode of Lost in the Stacks, “Tickets and Tunnels,” on July 5, 2022.