old.wrek.org 涟漪 Lian Yi 11/21/2022: 90s KTV | WREK Atlanta, 91.1 FM

涟漪 Lian Yi 11/21/2022: 90s KTV

Hello everyone! Since I’m going home to visit my parents for Thanksgiving, I’ve been thinking a lot about the music that they enjoyed in their youth–music that they ended up playing for me and my sister a lot as kids. So, from the depths of my memory comes this setlist! As always, songs with unofficial translations are denoted with asterisks. Hope everyone has a nice break!

“Just Like a Dream” by Na Ying, Totally

“Special Love for Special You” by Sky Wu, Special Love for Special You*

“Rain Keeps Falling” by Phil Chang, Rain Keeps Falling

“Dream to Awakening” by Sarah Chen, Telling You, Listening to You*

“Love Like Tides” by Jeff Chang, Worrying

“You Are My Woman” by Andy Lau, You Are My Woman

“Suffer for You” by Sandy Lam; Love, Sandy

“Hello and Good Bye” by Eason Chen, Preparation*

“The Curtain Falls” by Phil Chang, News

* denotes an unofficial translation







《为你我受冷风吹》林忆莲,《Love, Sandy》

