old.wrek.org Playlist for Lost in the Stacks, November 4, 2022, "Re-Indigenizing through Storytelling", episode 538 | WREK Atlanta, 91.1 FM

Playlist for Lost in the Stacks, November 4, 2022, “Re-Indigenizing through Storytelling”, episode 538

Hear the show at: http://traffic.libsyn.com/lostinthestacks/LITS_Episode_538.mp3

“Digital Nomad” by Digawolf

Interview with ‘Ilaheva Tua’one and Seth Porter of the University of Colorado, Colorado Springs library

File this set under LB1042 .C43

“Denied” by Ailani
“I Was Raised” by X.I.T.

Continued Interview with ‘Ilaheva Tua’one and Seth Porter
File this set under TP265 .L874
“Burn Paper” by Treik Deeperheit
“Haze is Free (Mounting a Broken Ladder)” by Barbara Manning

Continued Interview with ‘Ilaheva Tua’one and Seth Porter

File this set under ML3770 .L5513

“HMS Resolution” by Haleiwa
“Kaito No Tetamanu” by Tikahiri

“Kai Tangata” by Alien Weaponry