old.wrek.org continental drift 12/14/22: argentina | WREK Atlanta, 91.1 FM

continental drift 12/14/22: argentina

I forgot to do the website post for this past episode, but better late than never! Listen to the playlist here, and listen back to the episode here.

Argentina is a country that makes up the southern tip of South America. It is home to 47 million people, making it the 32nd largest country in the world by population. 

Argentina’s flag is light blue with a white triband containing a yellow sun in the center. The flag represents the parting of a blue sky to reveal white clouds, which is said to be what happened when a liberation demonstration occurred in Argentina’s capital Buenos Aires in 1810. The yellow sun on the flag is known as the “Sun of May”, which represents the Incan god of the sun. 

Tango is the most notable genre to come out of Argentina. Originating in the early 20th century as a mix of rural gaucho styles, cuban habanera music, slavic polka and mazurka, spanish contradanse, andalucian flamenco, and italian folk music, tango reached its golden age in the 1930s through 50s. 

Tango segment:
Garufa // Tita Merello

Nueva cancionero was a musico-literal movement sprung out of the greater Latin American nueva cancion movement, which spread left-wing ideologies through folk styles. 14 artists, both musicians and poets, met in February 1963 to sign the Manifesto Fundacional de Nuevo Cancionero. This document sought to develop a national style that could overcome tango’s dominance and encourage critical thinking and the open exchange of ideas. 

Mercedes Sosa is one of the most famous folk singers to come out of Argentina, and is the face of nueva cancionero. 

Nueva cancionero Sample:
Todo Cambia // Mercedes Sosa

Argentine rock began in the 60s when bands switched from covering English hits to producing Spanish songs of their own. In the early 70s, there was a split among rock and rollers as some artists transitioned to a heavier sound (punk, metal, etc), and others went acoustic as part of the hippie movement. Los Gatos were the first popular Argentine rock artists, reaching popularity with their breakout hit “La Balsa.” This was notable because it was both in Spanish and an original composition.

Celeste Carballo was a popular singer-songwriter in rock, blues, punk, and tango in the 1980s and 90s. In the late 80s, she made her relationship with fellow Argentine rock singer Sandra Mihanovich public. The two later released an album together, titled “Mujer contra mujer” in 1990, which was quickly embraced by the Argentine lesbian community. 

rock/indie segment:
La Balsa // Los Gatos
El Chino // Celeste Carballo
Lo Quiero Mucho a Ese Muchacho // Bestia Bebé
Vámonos De Viaje // Bandalos Chinos
Al Auto y Volver // Clara Cava, Carlota Urdiales
Pensando en ti // Lara91k
Apasionado // El Zar
A 1200 Km // Las Ligas Menores
Policía // 1915

On Al Auto y Volver: “The theme comes from that moment in the summer night where you are partying, it is daylight and you are going to flash around with your friend, your girlfriend, your boyfriend, alone and enjoy that. I feel that the theme became something when Carlota and Punga appeared” – Clara Cava

“Nada mejor que vos y yo al amanece; baliándole locas al DJ”

“Nothing better than you and me at dawn, dancing crazy to the DJ”

On Pensando en Ti: “[It is] a retrospective of my adolescence, a tribute to all that growing up on the beach with my friends, skateboarding, surfing, music and inventing everything because nothing was happening. That madness of being very alone there, in a town, but at the same time connecting with gigantic things and without borders.” – Lara91k

There were 3 distinct waves of punk music in Argentina. The first started around 1978 with early bands such as the Laxantes, the second wave came in the 80s, and the Third generation of punk groups in the 90s, including Katarro Vandalico (1990). According to Leo De Cecco, drummer of Attaque 77, the punk movement in Argentina was something strictly cultural and musical, while in England it was part of a larger social and political outburst.”

Punk segment:
De Más // Cadena Perpetua
Cuando Yo Esté Muerto // Katarro Vandalico