old.wrek.org 涟漪 4/17/23: Spring. Sunlight by Sodagreen | WREK Atlanta, 91.1 FM

涟漪 4/17/23: Spring. Sunlight by Sodagreen

Hello! Tonight, we took a look at Sodagreen’s Spring. Sunlight album, the first of their 4 seasons-themed concept albums. I will link the album below the unofficial English translations of the tracklist.

“Before the Snow Melts” / 《融雪之前》

“Pan Rides the Spring-Colored Train, So” / 《牧神搭上春色的火车,而》

“Sunlight” / 《日光》

“Between Us” / 《在我们之间》

“Interlude 1” / 《配乐 – 1》

“Stopping at Each Station” / 《个站停靠》

“A Thousand Fountains” / 《一千座喷泉》

”Symphony Dream” / 《交响梦》

“Isekai Rose” / 《异次元的玫瑰》

“Interlude 2″ / 《配乐 – 2》

“After Frolicking” /《嬉戏之后》

“Come Home Soon” / 《早点回家》