100 wreks #52
Thanks for listening to the last 100 wreks episode of the semester! Here’s tonights tracklist:
Why Can't It Be You - moistbreezy Lunch - Maude Latour ANGEL'S THOUGHTS - Frost Children prism - monty.pk Bozo bozo bozo - underscores lol. (feat. Jedwill + wishlane) [prod. wishlane + draf] - Left At London never let you leave - kmoe rest (with mental) [prod. rippo + deadat18] - arid fall like a leaf - i9bonsai exit life (prod. siem spark + 5head) - funeral moonlessnight - caro Dragonflies - Broken Spear + Sluurpee To Find Connection (feat. Plastic Pet + Ari Liloia) - estle HEAVY - OLD PUP Domino (easyFun Remix) - Jessie J LUV ME DOWN - ELFZ cloud 9 - donatachi