old.wrek.org 涟漪 10/2/2023: Abolish Boring Ballads | WREK Atlanta, 91.1 FM

涟漪 10/2/2023: Abolish Boring Ballads

Today I’ve got some fresh tracks to spice up your listening! This is the first of a new series I’m doing called Abolish Boring Ballads, where I share Chinese language tracks that aren’t the boring ballads that tend to rise to the top of the charts. As usual, an asterisk denotes an unofficial English translation.

“Stillness” by Naiwen Yang, SILENCE

“i wanna tell u” by Lexie Liu, The Happy Star

“Moonlight – Single Version” by I’mdifficult, Moonlight

“King of the Universe”* by RubberBand, King of the Universe*

“Lightly” by Eason Chan, Lightly

“Getting Warmer” by TNT, Getting Warmer

“In Your Rice Shop — Live” by Zhang Weiwei and Xiao He, Folk 2022 Episode 1

“Want to Go to the Beach”* by Summer Invasion Program*, Want to Go to the Beach*

“No One Cares About What You Care About”* by Then I Understand What You Mean*, No One Cares About What You Care About”*

“Three Kingdom Love” by TANK, Fighting !

”Accidentally in Love” by Sweet John ft. Waa Wei, In Mind

“Bungee Love” by Panther Chan, Bungee Love

“静止“ 杨乃文,《SILENCE》

”i wanna tell u” 刘柏辛, 《The Happy Star》

“Moonlight” 我是机车少女,《Moonlight》

”宇宙之王“ RubberBand, 《宇宙之王》

“尘大师” 陈奕迅,《尘大师》

“渐暖” 时代少年团,《渐暖》

“米店 – 现场” 张玮玮 和 小河,《我们民谣2022第一集》

“想去海边” 夏日入侵企画,《想去海边》

“没有人在乎你在乎的事” 那我懂你的意思了,《没有人在乎你在乎的事》

”三国恋“ 吕建忠,《Fighting!生存之道》

”不小心爱上你“ Sweet John ft. 魏如萱(xuan),《In Mind》

”伸缩自如的爱“ 陈蕾,《伸缩自如的爱》