old.wrek.org Continental Drift | WREK Atlanta, 91.1 FM - Part 17

Continental Drift

Continental Drift for February 27, 2012 — Greece

Officially the Hellenic Republic, Greece serves up the perfect Mediterranean climate for tonight’s episode! With the roots of modern democracy, philosophy, and much more stemming from here, we owe a lot of our modern thoughts and practices to this great country. Take a listen!

You can listen to the world on Continental Drift! Every Monday night from 10 PM until midnight Eastern Time. The playlist for this episode is below.

01) “I. suite of Greek folk dances (Sirtos – Pentozali)” — Communal orchestra of Athens
02) “Thermastis” — Yiorgos Batis
03) “Me Glyko Hasisi” — D Gongos
04) “Ithela Na’ Moun Iraklis” — Nikos Vrachnas
05) “II. suite of Greek folk dances (Dance of Thessaly)” — Communal orchestra of Athens
06) “I Moni Mou Parigoria” — Stellios Keromytis
07) “Pentozalis” — Nikos Saridakis
08) “Sta heria sou meghalosan” — Communal orchestra of Athens
09) “Manges Piaste Ta Vouna” — EF. Payioumidzis
10) “Markos’ memories” — Communal orchestra of Athens
11) “Syrtos Mesklianos” — Tzinevrakis
12) “Suite of folk songs of Moreas” — Communal orchestra of Athens
13) “Ouzak To Tragoudhi Tis Xentias” — Efstratios Payioumidzis
14) “Pentozali Irakliotiko” — Eleftherios Antonogiorgakis
15) “Tsamikos horos – Pera stous pera kampous” — Communal orchestra of Athens
16) “San Isa Mangas Ke Dais” — M Vamvakaris Rita Abadzi
17) “Mou Boyiatismeni” — Yiorgos Batisvarka
18) “Sousta Of Rethymno – Sousta Rethimniotiki” — Harhalis
19) “Gia Mia Gyneka” — Sofia Vembo
20) “Tonight You Explode: Apopse Kaneis Bam” — Sotiria Bellou et al.
21) “Kokkina Fanaria” — Sofia Vembo
22) “The Crawfish: Ta Kavourakia” — Sotiria Bellou et al.
23) “Dili Dili Dili” — Mariza Koch
24) “Open Up: Anoixe Anoixe” — Sotiria Bellou, Stellakis
25) “To Kokkaraki” — Mariza Koch
26) “Girizo Tis Plates Mou Sto Mellon” — Haris & Panos Katsimihas

The Drift is Back and Sailing Better than Ever!

World travelers and WREKsters alike,

After a long and unexplained hiatus, Continental Drift has once again reclaimed its rightful spot on the airwaves, left on the dial at 91.1 FM every Monday night from 10 PM to midnight Eastern Time! Former host DJ Felipe is back at the helm, and we’re continuing what we started a long time ago: bringing you the best of what each country has to offer musically, as well as the Fun Fact of Every Fifteen Minutes (or so), and possibly the occasional interview with musicians and/or citizens of the theme country, and students with vast amounts of world knowledge!

Tune in prepared to learn, sing, dance, laugh (maybe), and enjoy, because we’re not going anywhere!

I can’t think of a better thing to do on a Monday night, can you?

DJ Felipe
Host of Continental Drift