old.wrek.org Kosher Noise | WREK Atlanta, 91.1 FM - Part 21

Kosher Noise

Kosher Noise Playlist 6/17/13

  • Yeled Rekhov (Street Child)     Subliminal Ve Ha’Tzel     Ha’Or Ve Ha’Tzel
  • Tishtok Tishtok     Sarit Hadad    Ashlaiot Metokot
  • Shemoneh Aleinu      Rikud – ריקוד     Camp Ramah Darom Rikud
  • Gachliliot (Fireflies)        Anana Presents: Music From Israel
  • Alright With Me      Prodezra Beats       Connection Revealed
  • Shir Moledet         Pancheer         Sabress 3 – Israeli Music Compilation
  • Kmo Tsipor (Like A Bird)         Ofra Haza           Ofra Haza: Greatest Hits (Disc 1)
  • Believers (ft. Matisyahu)      Nosson Zand
  • Bereshit         Moshav Band         Putumayo Presents – Israel
  • Nitan – ניתן     Mosh Ben Ari – מוש בן ארי       Ad Elai (On the Way to Me) – עד אלי
  • L.Y.G.       Jaffa Road     Sun Place
  • Jerusalem – ג’רוזלם      Hadag Nachash (The Fish Snake) – הדג נחש      HaMehona Shel HaGruv (The Groove Machine) – המכונה של הגרוב

Kosher Noise Playlist 6/10/13

  • Min Nhar Li Mshiti (From The Day You Left)     The Idan Raichel Project – הפרוייקט של עידן רייכל     Ben Kirot Beiti (Within My Walls) – בין קירות ביתי
  • XL (with OBB)    Hadag Nachash (The Fish Snake) – הדג נחש     Zman Le’Hitorer (Time to Wake Up) – זמן להתעורר
  • Mazel    Golem    Fresh Off Boat
  • Le Itim    שלמה ארצי- Shlomo Artzi     Ahavtihem
  • Proud To Be    Prodezra Beats
  • What’s Wrong     Tomer Yosef     Laughing Underground
  • Rebbe Nachman song     Nanach.net
  • Zmanim Ktanim (Tinny Times)     Teapacks    Kol Halhitim (All the Hits Collection)
  • Hu     Shotei Hanevu’a And Isabo    Mechapsim et Dorot (Looking for Dorot) – מחפשים את דורות
  • Golden Wings     The Sway Machinery     The House Of Friendly Ghosts Vol. 1
  • Poppin Proverbs     Matt Bar     The Bible Raps Project
  • Sunshine    Matisyahu     Spark Seeker

Kosher Noise Playlist 5/27/13 with Aviva and the Flying Penguins!

  • Intro     Aviva and the Flying Penguins    Painted Truth
  • Painted Truth     Aviva and the Flying Penguins    Painted Truth
  • Emet     Aviva and the Flying Penguins    Painted Truth
  • Mainstream    Aviva and the Flying Penguins    Painted Truth
  • Givin Each Other Love    Aviva and the Flying Penguins     Painted Truth
  • I Wanna Be Me    Aviva and the Flying Penguins     Painted Truth
  • Revival (live in the studio)    Aviva and the Flying Penguins
  • Cannabis Car     Aviva and the Flying Penguins    Painted Truth
  • I Don’t Wanna Fight (live in the studio)     Aviva and the Flying Penguins
  • Shine, Shine, Shine (live in the studio)      Aviva and the Flying Penguins
  • Children Must Unite (live in the studio)     Aviva and the Flying Penguins, featuring Simon

Kosher Noise Playlist 5/20/13

  • Tweet-Tweet     Abraham Inc.    Tweet-Tweet
  • Sadagora Hot Dub     Amsterdam Klezmer Band    Remixed
  • Hakshivu Na     Axum    Axum
  • Ya Man    Balkan Beat Box    Balkan Beat Box
  • Sigapo – סיגפו     Beit Habubot (Dollhouse) – בית הבובות    Madafim (Shelves) – מדפים
  • MiBayit [Ayzeh Ganuf!] (Look Ahead [So Cool!]) – [!מביט [איזה גנוב        Hadag Nachash (The Fish Snake) – הדג נחש    HaMehona Shel HaGruv (The Groove Machine) – המכונה של הגרוב
  • Holech Memakom Lemakom (Going From Place To Place)    David Broza    It’s All Or Nothing
  • The Morning Meal       Deleon    Casata
  • Yefeifia (Beautiful Girl) – יפהפיה        Shotei Ha’nevua (The Fools of Prophecy) – שוטי הנבואה    Mechapsim et Dorot (Looking for Dorot) – מחפשים את דורות
  • Mi mefached mi gvert levin      Hashlosharim    Hashlosharim
  • Rikud HaM’chona (The Machine Dance)      Mashina (Machine)    G’virotai v’Rabotai (Ladies and Gentlemen): Mashina

Kosher Noise Playlist 5/13/13

  • Yosser Del Klezmer     Theodore Bikel     Theodore Bikel Sings Yiddish Theatre and Folk Songs
  • Ya’Alili    8th Day     Chasing Prophecy
  • Sukkos Style    Maccabeats
  • Pesach Shop     Six13
  • Ishah Kina’anit (Canaanite Woman) – אישה כנענית     Beit Habubot (Dollhouse) – בית הבובות     Madafim (Shelves) – מדפים
  • Achshav Machar (Now Tomorrow)    David Broza     It’s All Or Nothing
  • Mabsut (Satisfied) (with Daklon) – (מבסוט (עם דקלון     Hadag Nachash (The Fish Snake) – הדג נחש     Zman Le’Hitorer (Time to Wake Up) – זמן להתעורר
  • Apprivoise-Moi    Ishtar     The Voice Of Alabina
  • Howlin’ With Fred    The Apples    Kings
  • Change     Aviva and the Flying Penguins      Painted Truth
  • Joro Boro (BBB Remix)    Balkan Beat Box    Nu Made (Remixes)
  • Chalaliyot    Berry Sakharof    All Or Nothing
  • Remedy ft. Kosha Dillz    Brody    Urban Anxiety