old.wrek.org Kosher Noise | WREK Atlanta, 91.1 FM - Part 22

Kosher Noise

Kosher Noise Playlist 5/6/13

  • Tweet-Tweet     Abraham Inc.    Tweet-Tweet
  • Sadagora Hot Dub     Amsterdam Klezmer Band    Remixed
  • Hakshivu Na     Axum    Axum
  • Ya Man    Balkan Beat Box    Balkan Beat Box
  • Sigapo – סיגפו     Beit Habubot (Dollhouse) – בית הבובות    Madafim (Shelves) – מדפים
  • MiBayit [Ayzeh Ganuf!] (Look Ahead [So Cool!]) – [!מביט [איזה גנוב        Hadag Nachash (The Fish Snake) – הדג נחש    HaMehona Shel HaGruv (The Groove Machine) – המכונה של הגרוב
  • Holech Memakom Lemakom (Going From Place To Place)    David Broza    It’s All Or Nothing
  • The Morning Meal       Deleon    Casata
  • Yefeifia (Beautiful Girl) – יפהפיה        Shotei Ha’nevua (The Fools of Prophecy) – שוטי הנבואה    Mechapsim et Dorot (Looking for Dorot) – מחפשים את דורות
  • Mi mefached mi gvert levin      Hashlosharim    Hashlosharim
  • Rikud HaM’chona (The Machine Dance)      Mashina (Machine)    G’virotai v’Rabotai (Ladies and Gentlemen): Mashina

Kosher Noise Playlist 4/29/13 DJT

  • Youth     Matisyahu     Youth
  • Sparks     Fortis Sakharof     1900?
  • Shuv Hachiuch     Beit Habubot (Dollhouse)     Smile Again
  • Underground     Tomer Yosef     JDub Presents Wild Peace
  • No Connection     Fortis Sakharof    Fourtis Cheharov
  • Lo Sham Lo Kan (Not Here Nor There)     Beit Habubot (Dollhouse)     B’chol Hadarchim (Crossways)
  • Una Noche Al Borde De La Mar (One Night by the Sea)     Guy Mendilow     Tales from the Forgotten Kingdom; Ladino Songs Renewed
  • Tehilas Hashem     The Yeshiva Boys Choir     Jewishjukebox.co Complimentary CD
  • Noah (The Seeds of Change)     Matt Bar     The Bible Raps Project
  • Avadim     Berry Sakharof      Negioth

Kosher Noise Playlist 4/22/13 Earth Day!

  • Batash (Alwoojdi)    The Apples     Kings
  • Good Shabbas    Six13
  • Noga’at (She Touches) – נוגעת     Hadag Nachash (The Fish Snake) – הדג נחש    Zman Le’Hitorer (Time to Wake Up) – זמן להתעורר
  • Mizrach    Lipa Schmeltzer
  • Alash     שלמה ארצי- Shlomo Artzi     Ahavtihem
  • Speak the Language of the Hebrew Man      Ehud Banai
  • Remix of Kosher Plate – Latkes – Tefillin      Six13
  • Yehi Shalom     Blue Fringe     The Whole World Lit Up
  • Ani Ma’amin (Johnny Remix) – אני מאמין       Hadag Nachash (The Fish Snake) – הדג נחש
  • Chemical Sniffer    The Apples     Attention

Kosher Noise Playlist 4/15/13 Yom HaShoah, Yom HaZikaron, Yom Ha’atzmaut Edition

  • Mabsut (Satisfied) (with Daklon) – (מבסוט (עם דקלון     Hadag Nachash (The Fish Snake) – הדג נחש     Zman Le’Hitorer (Time to Wake Up) – זמן להתעורר
  • Yoshvim Bebit Caffe (Sitting In a Coffee Shop)     Teapacks     Kol Halhitim (All the Hits Collection)
  • Hatikvah (Hope)     Teapacks     Kol Halhitim (All the Hits Collection)
  • Ha Melech     The Sway Machinery     The Sway Machinery EP
  • Alive With The Glory Of Love      Say Anything      Say Anything Is A Real Boy
  • Never Again      Wu Tang Clan      The Swarm
  • Hatikvah, Goodbye Achim, Camel Sounds, and A tour of Mt. Arbel with a Mosque bell ringing    From my experience on Taglit – Birthright Shorashim Bus 577 Summer 2007
  • Hatikva Instrumental (National Anthem Of Israel)     Hora: 25 Israeli Folk Songs
  • Shmaraini Li Al Ha’mangina      Yehoram Gaon     40 Golden Hits
  • Eyneni Ohev Ota     Berry Sakharof     All Or Nothing
  • Start All Over      Electra    Second Hand Love
  • Ema Tova     Zohar Argov    Greatest Hits (Disc 2)
  • Tariki    Zafa     Putumayo Presents – Israel

Kosher Noise Playlist 4/8/13 with Cantorial Soloist Julie Naturman

  • Just Had Chametz    Kol Ish
  • Eyneni Boged (I’m Not a Traitor) – אינני בוגד      Hadag Nachash (The Fish Snake) – הדג נחש    Zman Le’Hitorer (Time to Wake Up) – זמן להתעורר
  • Y’hiyu     Julie Naturman
  • Till There Was     You Julie Naturman
  • O mio babbino caro     Julie Naturman
  • Zman Le’Hitorer (Time to Wake Up) – זמן להתעורר     Hadag Nachash (The Fish Snake) – הדג נחש     Zman Le’Hitorer (Time to Wake Up) – זמן להתעורר
  • Odd Shabbat (Another Shabat)    Teapacks     Kol Halhitim (All the Hits Collection)