old.wrek.org Let's Talk Business | WREK Atlanta, 91.1 FM - Part 3

Let’s Talk Business: October 22 Full Show

Due to some technical difficulties, the archive of Let’s Talk Business on the last show link does not include the full hour of the show. The full show can be downloaded by clicking the following link: Let’s Talk Business Oct. 22 Full Show

Let’s Talk Business 10/22 with Susan Solovic & Jim Beach

Join Mitch Schlimer this Saturday at 12 noon-1PM for ” Let’s Talk Business” where his featured guests are entrepreneur Susan Solovic, author of the current NY Times bestseller “It’s Your Biz” – The Complete Guide To Becoming Your Own Boss, and then Jim Beach, entrepreneur & author of “School For Startups” – The Breakthrough Course for Guaranteeing Small Business Success in 90 Days or Less.

Let’s Talk Business! at 12 noon this Saturday with Laurie Bassi & Jill Konrath

Join Mitch Schlimer here on WREK 91.1 FM tomorrow from noon to 1 PM for ”Let’s Talk Business” where his featured guests are Dr. Laurie Bassi, author of Good Company: Business Success In The Worthiness Era, and then Jill Konrath, author of Snap Selling: Speed Up Sales And Win More Business With Today’s Frazzled Customers.

Let’s Talk Business! at 12 noon this Saturday with Laurie Bassi & Jill Konrath

Join Mitch Schlimer this Saturday at 12 noon-1PM for ” Let’s Talk Business” where his featured guests are Dr. Laurie Bassi, author of “Good Company”- Business Success In The Worthiness Era, and then Jill Konrath, author of “Snap Selling”- Speed Up Sales And Win More Business With Today’s Frazzled Customers. ” Let’s Talk Business” is hosted by serial and social entrepreneur Mitch Schlimer, who is the founder of many companies and that includes his latest venture which is the EPICENTER which is the home of the Entrepreneur Hall of Fame (www.theehalloffame.com) which he founded a decade ago. Let’s Talk Business is focused on entrepreneurship, innovation and youth empowerment and is the perfect show to learn from especially if you are an entrepreneur, CEO or would be business owner.

Learn from Let’s Talk Business with “Famous Dave” and Jennifer Kushell

Hear Mitch Schlimer’s 10/1 show on the Let’s Talk Business page.  Mitch’s two featured guests were Dave Anderson, Native American entrepreneur and visionary behind the NASD public company “Famous Daves” BBQ (www.famousdaves.com). His second featured guest was Jennifer Kushell, the entrepreneur behind the “Your Success Network” (www.YSN.com),  and co-author of the NY Times best seller-“Secrets Of The Young & Successful”.