old.wrek.org Slow Riot | WREK Atlanta, 91.1 FM - Part 35

Slow Riot

Slow Riot 01/11: a slow turning, a new dawn, a new year

artist — track
hangedup — losing your charm
blades — terrodactyl
toundra — oro rojo
pelican — strung up from the sky
oliviero — so
a silver mt. zion — blown-out joy from heaven’s mercied hole
architecture aviva — bijou fable
this will destroy you — they move on tracks of never-ending light

combatdave — cold static
infinity shred — mapper
long distance calling — nh 0713
caspian — darkfield
exxasens — satellites
goodnight, sleep well — we’re phantoms in fifteen
jakob — malachite
nabowa — yuragu sakana

Slow Riot 12/07: hunger, hunger, hunger

capillaries — into the history of light
— the history of light
— metals of callisto
— summit
— lumen
— extraction point
we lost the sea — challenger part 1 – flight
we lost the sea — challenger part 2 – a swan song
the evpatoria report — naptalan
souvenir’s young america — mars ascendent
red sparowes — alone and unaware, the landscape was transformed in front of our eyes
fly pan am — nice est en feu!
ghosts and vodka — its all about right then
giraffes giraffes! — i am sh(im)e[r] as you am sh(im)e[r] as you are me and we am i and i are all…
set fire to flames — omaha

Slow Riot 11/30: the warmth radiated down from above but the mood all around was cold and bitter

artist — track
godspeed you! black emporer — mladic
no matter what — life
alarmist — cordillera
hangedup — klang klang
yndi halda — golden threads from the sun [excerpt]
this town needs guns — chinchilla
swans — red velvet corridor
thee silver mt zion memorial orchestra – austerity blues
robin foster – road
clever girl — ohmygodiloveyoupleasedontleaveme
caspian — hymn for the greatest generation
don caballero — from the desk of elsewhere go
outrun the starlight — stars in the ocean
mogwai — mogwai fear satan

Slow Riot 11/23: It is elation, a light, a land untouched, to which we arrive

artist — album
delicious death — still death
— hungry: portrait of a cereal killer
— manwitch
— miami rice
— indiana scones: raiders of the lost tart
— enemy of the steak
— the baconator (the bacon ate her)
quadrupede — t o g o b a n
— intro – beam pool mom
— mambo pomelo
— via la
— rhododendron
— oblong opale
— astro
— adulthood
this patch of sky — s/t
— prelude
— time destroys everything, but our foundation remains
— in the house of wolves
— love is in beauty and chaos
— the winter day declining
— standing on the shoulders of giants (the battle of frieders)
— and so they watched as the years passed us by
— wait and hope
fedorov and kruzenshtern — v trave
— at the bottom of the grass

Slow Riot 11/16: no one knew the second head was growing until it was too late

artist — track
have a nice life — a quick one before the eternal worm devours connecticut
philosophy degree — godspeed’s little sister who isn’t quite as popular at the office or at parties
yndi halda — Dash & Blast
dan caine — autumn dusk
currents — kickin’
maybeshewill — seraphim and cherubim
hangedup — junk the clatter
yvette young — a map a string a light
totorro — eric colson
zefs chasing cara — grader
bellerophon — traditor
tippwerk — trippwerk
piglet — little bubble, where you going?
the para-medics — dukakis
te’ — the seeker, the inhabitant of the chromatic scale world, wandering in the relative events of the “middle tier”
weid — the voices of sunken ships
electric hawk — sex embargo
sparkspitter — bascient