old.wrek.org News | WREK Atlanta, 91.1 FM - Part 7


StoryCorps on WREK

WREK Atlanta, 91.1 FM is proud to announce that we will soon be airing StoryCorps as part of our regular programming:

StoryCorps is an independent nonprofit whose mission is to provide Americans of all backgrounds and beliefs with the opportunity to record, share, and preserve the stories of our lives. Since 2003, StoryCorps has collected and archived more than 30,000 interviews from more than 60,000 participants. Each conversation is recorded on a free CD to share, and is preserved at the American Folklife Center at the Library of Congress

We’ll announce the official scheduling of StoryCorps in the coming week. Thanks for listening!

WREK is at 100,000 Watts

WREK is now broadcasting at 100,000 watts with HD as one of the most technologically advanced radio station run entirely by students.  We are now at the highest power level allowed by the FCC for an FM radio station.

Thanks to everyone for their support for making this project happen!

New Antenna is GO!

New Antenna

Update: The FCC approved our application, we will be going to 100,000 on Friday, 9/30 at 6pm!

Our new antenna is installed, tuned, ready to go!  We’ve fired it up to 50,000 watts, which is half power for the time being (also have both HD channels back!).  The paperwork has been submitted to the FCC and once they give us the nod, we’ll be good to go to 100,000 watts, the highest allowed power level for an FM radio station!

Even at half power, we have significantly better coverage than our previous 40,000 watt station, which installed in 1978.  Although it served us well, we have a brand new, top-of-the-line ERI antenna and brand new transmission line.  You should be able to hear us much further out.  After we go to 100,000 watts, we expect to be heard up to 70 miles away!

Almost there…

New WREK Antenna from 290ft

Really, I promise this time!  We’ll be at 50kW tomorrow.  All that’s left is tuning this bad boy up!  I expect a full power 100kW test sometime in the morning, then we will scale back to 50kW until the FCC gives us the nod to proceed at full power.

Also, we found something interesting at the top of the 320 ft WREK tower… (click read more to see)

Read more…

New antenna almost done!

New Antenna

We had a few delays with the installation of the new antenna, but we’re back on track!  You can see our shiny new 8-bay antenna is installed.  The parasitic elements still need to be installed (this makes our antenna directional) and we have to tune it, but we expect to be broadcasting on this antenna by Tuesday or Wednesday this week!

Initially we will be running at 50,000 watts. We must wait for the FCC to approve our application to complete our construction permit, and then we’ll be all the way turnt up to 100,000 watts!