mode8 #39: PS1/jungle/late 90s/early 2000s
This week’s episode is pretty much what it says on the title. Inspiration comes from my dummy op this week, so thank you! Also if you’ve been listening to WREK more lately, you may be hearing slightly more mode8 from the two promos I uploaded!
Stadium Attack // Ape Escape
Steal Hope Back // Mega Man Command Mission
Tenative — Cold Storage // Wipeout
Game Over // Defender 2000
Infinity Minion // Mega Man X6
Horror // RC Revenge
Spectre // GITS Megatech Body
Scissorman // Clock Tower
Camber // Ace Combat 3
Komodo Bros // Crash Bandicoot 2
Paul’s Miracle Deathfist // Tekken 2
Human Complex //Fighters Impact
High — TMF // Gran Turismo
Phantom Ganon // Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker
Girl Rock 11/7/23
We’re back to our regularly scheduled programming! All music — including Punk!!!

Keep In Touch // Suzie True
Eggshells // Diva Bleach
P.U.N.K Girl // Heavenly
Block Your Number // Maude Latour
Stoop Kid // Sorry Mom
ghosts // Rosemary, Talia Lima
Animal // Sir Chloe
Honeysuckle // Pom Pom Squad
beach song – demo // Leonie Biney
Siren // Kailee Morgue
Kiss Me Aphrodite // Oscar the Wild
Wet // Dazey and the Scouts
On Your Heels // Rocket
Pick Me Up // Rachel Bochner
Midday Midnight // Pinksqueeze
Red with Love // Pom Pom Squad
You Were in My Dream Last Night // Babygirl
Conceited // Lola Young
Gold Soundz: 11.07.23 THE VOID
Today on Gold Soundz today we played songs that encompass the VOID! This show will resonate with whatever you think that means (we also don’t know and had differing ideas). Sooo…. into the void! With Gold Soundz!
Permission // Sucre
If I Am Only My Thoughts // Loving
peas // boylife
Elegy to the Void // Beach House
Ghostride // Crumb
You’re Still The One // Okay Kaya
Andromeda // Weyes Blood
VOID // Melanie Martinez
Nude // Radiohead
Tell Me // Rahill
Leave It In My Dreams // The Voidz
Alter Ego // Tame Impala
High Slow Pulp // Big Day
涟漪 Lian Yi 11/6/23: My Teenage Playlist
Today’s playlist was inspired by the music I’d listen when I was 12-14 and first getting into Cpop. Some of this music I wouldn’t characterize as my taste now, but we all start somewhere. For me, that was big pop ballads. So let’s take this trip down memory lane! Anything marked with an asterisk * is an unofficial translation by me.
“Like You” by G.E.M., Like You – Single*
“Intoxicated” by G.E.M., Intoxicated
“Onion”* by Ping An*, Sky Above City
“Far Away” by Jay Chou ft. Fei Yu-ching, Still Fantasy
“You Are Everywhere” by Jay Chou, Opus 12
“You Exist In My Song” by Wanting, Everything In the World
”Those Bygone Years” by Hu Xia, Flame of Love
“Twilight” by JJ Lin, From M.E. to Myself
“Sweet” by Jay Chou, On the Run
“A Little Happiness” by Hebe Tien, Our Times Original Soundtrack*
“Practise Book for Youth” by TFBOYS, Manual of Youth
《喜欢你》邓紫棋, 《喜欢你 – Single》专辑
《千里之外》周杰伦 & 费玉清,《依然范特西》专辑
《我的歌声里》曲婉婷,《Everything In the World》专辑
《青春修炼手册》TFBOYS, 《青春修炼手册》EP
mode8 #38: calamari sampler!
Welcome back to another mode8 episode recap! This week, my fellow Wednesday DJ wanted to know more about Splatoon music so I made a 20 minute sampler of the 3 games (and Octo Expansion) for them and for you at home to listen as well!
Ink or Sink // Splatoon 1
Ink Me Up! // Splatoon 1
Acid Hues // Splatoon 2
Entropical // Splatoon 2
Splattack! (Octo) // Splatoon 2: Octo Expansion
Til Depth Do Us Part // Splatoon 3
Headhammer // Splatoon 3
The Ride // Ridge Racer 4
Honmoku Night Racers // Racing Lagoon
Title Theme // Netherworld
Funny Beach // Kira Kira Star Night dx
Grape Garden // Kirby Super Star
Trophy // Super Smash Bros Melee
Smog City // Spark: The Electric Jester
Strange Parade // Sonic Runners
Jaime’s Theme // Street Fighter 6
Remixed and Remastered Bomberman Hero OST